Accommodations in Wolphaartsdijk

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Wolphaartsdijk is a village in the Dutch province of Zeeland, near the much smaller Oud-Sabbinge. The village has more than 2000 inhabitants and nowadays Wolphaartsdijk is located in Zuid-Beveland, just south of the Veerse Meer.

In the Middle Ages, Wolphaartsdijk and the older Oud-Sabbinge were located on the island of Wolphaartsdijk. To the north of the island flowed the Zuidvliet and the Zandkreek, to the east the Oosterschelde and south the Schenge. During major floods in 1287, the polder of Oud-Sabbinge was one of the few in Zeeland that was not flooded. That didn’t happen to this polder until 1953. The polder of present-day Wolphaartsdijk was younger; There was also a Vliedberg where the village would originate. The vliedberg was excavated in 1844.

In the 16th century, the area had to endure a lot. The Hongersdijk polder was lost after storms in 1530, 1532 and finally the St. Pontian flood in 1552, and due to poor maintenance due to poverty. The All Saints’ Flood of 1570 also caused destruction; the Westkerke and Westerland polders disappeared into the sea until 1665. Prior to the Siege of Goes in 1572, the Beggars also destroyed the churches of Oud-Sabbinge and Wolphaartsdijk.

Wolphaartsdijk has a total of six national monuments, including the Oost- or Nicolauskerk, the Veldzicht farm, the De Hoop windmill and the Johannes ab Utrecht Dresselhuis memorial. In addition, an agricultural barn and a wooden jetty of a former ferry are inscribed as municipal monuments of this place.

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