Group accommodations in nature


How nice it can be to get away for a weekend – or longer – with your family. Away from the crowds and staying in the middle of nature. A free accommodation in the middle of nature offers plenty of possibilities. An accommodation in the woods, by the sea or in the countryside. In nature you can completely unwind. In nature, you can walk perfectly and enjoy the beautiful views🏡🍃 Below, view our accommodation in nature where it is great to stay with your family, friends or family.

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Cosy together in the woods. The woods offer a perfect place for a weekend or a night away. There is plenty to do here such as a nice walk or a bike ride. Enjoy the scent of nature and the sound of the birds. There is also plenty for children to do here. Visit a climbing forest together or organise a fun scavenger hunt. Tip: in autumn, the forest is one of nature’s most beautiful places to visit! The colours of the leaves are beautiful.

For those not used to it, an overnight stay in the countryside is a special experience. Sleep in a beautiful barn and wake up to the mooing of cows and views over the meadows. Did you know that the countryside is ideal with children? Here the children can be children and romp around. Take a look at the animals and unwind in the countryside.

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